
4 Tips To Increase Your  Clicks With Website Banner Design

Website banners are an excellent way to increase traffic to your website. If you want to increase your online traffic, focus on making eye-catching Website banner designs. Website banner design is concerned with the systematic creation of effective banner ads using basic design principles.

Do you want to establish a strong online presence and ensure that your brand is well-known? Do you want to run a full-funnel campaign but aren’t sure which medium will be most effective for brand awareness?

There are website banners, which are a popular digital marketing medium. They are extremely common on any website you visit. Even when run in ads, website banners are an important component in driving website traffic.

Design is an important element for the success of your website banner, the DesignGram team has compiled our 4 best website banner design tips for you.

Here are the 4 tips for an attractive website banner design:-

1) Banner Dimensions and Positioning

Banners come with different dimensions, their use is dependent on where they are advertised. Google Ads offers a variety of banner sizes. The following are the most effective banner sizes:

  • 728×90 Leaderboard
  • 320×100 Large Mobile Banner
  • 300×600 Half Page
  • 300×250 Medium Rectangle
  • 336×280 Large Rectangle

Banners come in different variety of shapes and sizes. Even within the same platform, different placements necessitate different sizes. 

Banners can be used on a variety of platforms, including YouTube videos, search engines, newsletters, social media, and so on. The same banner can be used in different sizes on the platform.

You can experiment with the same banner by putting different placements. It gives a good idea to a designer on the placement of the elements accordingly.

Designed by DesignGram’s in-house designer.

Designed by DesignGram’s in-house designer.

Do you require attention-grabbing web banners? You can get them with DesignGram unlimited Graphic design subscription, and ease your marketing campaigns.

2) Structure and visual hierarchy

The design structure and hierarchy have an impact on how the customer interacts with your advertisement. CTA placement is critical because it is where the audience clicks and acts.

If the structure of the website banner is well maintained and the visual hierarchy flows well. Congratulations, your audience’s chances of taking action are much higher than with a design that lacks these essentials.

Designed by DesignGram’s in-house designer.

The following  elements should be present in any website banner design, in order of importance:

  1. The value proposition includes key features and incentives that will pique the interest of your target audience. This includes phrases like “60% Off” and so on.
  2. Call-to-action – This feature supports the value proposition with simple phrases like “Enroll Now,” “Apply Now,” or “Order Now” depending on your message.
  3. Logo – It is critical to include the company logo in the banner because it will increase brand awareness, which is one of the primary goals of advertising.
  4. Image –Include an image, especially if it depicts your product or service. You can give them more room, but not at the expense of other elements.

3) Select the appropriate images for your website banner design.

Instead of using too many images, they create an effective design that receives clicks. That is something no one wants. Most web banner designs include only text and a CTA, but an image can help if used correctly. Always use high-quality images that are branded/unique. You can find these images on Shuterstock, Pexels, Unspash and more.

Designed by DesignGram’s in-house designer.

4) Select the appropriate colors for your website banner design.

Colour has the power to make the marketing campaign a success. It leaves a lasting impact on the audience if done appropriately. Colour can affect the mood or emotions of the customers. Each color has its own value in the eyes of the customer for e.g purple for luxury, red for warmth, love, etc.

Using bright colors can emphasize the visual hierarchy. It’s a good way to guide a viewer’s eyeballs toward the CTA button.

What impact does color bring to the design?

Color is an effective communication tool that can be used to influence action, mood, and even physiological reactions.

  • Colour makes the product recognizable
  • Color preferences differ according to gender. For example, a women’s brand can use colors that women prefer rather than colors that men prefer.
  • The use of color depends on the product and service.

Focus on consistency in tone, content, and design. You can play around with the details, but remember that your ultimate goal is to tie it into your brand. And to entice your target audience to click.